I R I N A..G A B I A N I
visual artist


Newspapers and Essays:

Dutch Newspaper, June 12th, 1995, “Tentoonstelling in Bibliotheek” (Eng.: Exhibition in the Library);

Dutch Newspaper, June 1995, “Bijzondere expositie bibliotheek” (Eng.: Special exhibition in the Library);

Laupaev, September 13th, 1997, “Rotermanni Soolaladu, Millenium II”;

A.N.I.S.A., Associazione Nazionale Insegnanti di Storia dell’Arte, Internet site, “Fare conoscere il lavoro degli artisti contemporanei: Irina Gabiani”, by Maria Luisa Tibone;
(Eng.: National Association of the Teachers of History of Art, “To advertise the work of the contemporary artists: Irina Gabiani”);

“La Stampa”, “Torino Sette”, November 21st, 2003, “Collettiva e femminile”, by Guido Curto;

“La Stampa”, December 23rd, 2003, by Angelo Mistrangelo;

“Svabodnaia Grusia”, September 9th, 2006, “Rabi Sistemi ot Irini Gabiani” (Eng.: The Slaves of the System by

Irina Gabiani), by Katia Tsiber;

“Sakartvelos Respublica”, September 11th, 2006, “Sistemis monebi anu Rodesats chems tavs vukureb” (Eng.: The Slaves of the System and When I look at Myself), by Mzekha Makharadze;

“Akhali Iveria”, Georgian Newspaper issued in Germany and distributed in Europe, n. 11-12, 2006, “Sistemis monebi anu Rodesats chems tavs vukureb” (Eng.: The Slaves of the System and When I look at Myself, The interview), pag. 8 and 9, by Mzekha Makharadze;

“Otto donne ed un Mistero”, (Eng.: “Eight women and a mistery”), press-release by Igor Zanti;

“La finestra sul torrente”, (Eng.: “The window on the stream”), an essay by Igor Zanti presenting the Exhibition

“Otto donne ed un mistero” (Eng.: “Eight women and a mistery”) at Zaion Gallery in Biella, Italy;

“La Stampa”, February 14th, 2007, “Donne e Mistero – Arte al Femminile alla Galleria Zaion” (Eng.: Women and Mistery – Art in women’s perspective at Zaion Gallery);

“Luxemburger Wort”, August 3rd, 2007, “L’art des équilibres subtils”, by Radu Vasile

“The Messenger”, September 7th, 2007, “The Messenger recommends: Samaia or Triamazikamno, written and directed by Irina Gabiani”;

“The Messenger”, September 14th, 2007, “Monochrome works inspire kaleidoscopic introspection”, by Christina Tashkevich;

“Georgia Today”, September 14th, 2007, “Irina Gabiani’s profound vision”, by Ruso Strelkova;

“Философский штурм” (Eng.: Philosophical storm), September 24th, 2007, 1st issue, “В каждом из нас есть дверь, через которую общаются серца...” (Eng.: Everyone has a door through which hearts communicate), by Irina Gabiani;

“Философский штурм” (Eng.: Philosophical storm), September 24th, 2007, 1st issue, “О духе” (Eng.: About the soul), by Evgenij Ivanov;

“Tskheli Shokoladi”, monthly magazine, N. 31, October 2007, “Tavdakira danakuli samkaro” (Eng. : The universe seen vice-versa);

“24 Saati” (Eng.: 24 hours), daily financial newspaper, November 15th, 2007, “Sistemis monebi” (Eng.: The slaves of the system), by Mzekha Makharadze;

“La Stampa”, “Torino Sette”, December 14th, 2007, “L’immagine come linguaggio”, (Eng. The image as language) by Angiola Maria Gili;

“La rivista del cinema”, Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Dicembre 2007, N. 54, “Video Dia Loghi 2007” (18-21 dicembre 2007 / 8-31 gennaio 2008);

“Torino Magazine”, May 2008, “Lezioni d’arte”, (Eng. Art lessons) by Chiara Pittavino;

“Взгляд” (Vsgliad, Business newspaper), June 11th, 2008, “В Москве пройдет фестиваль нового грузинского искусства” (Eng.: Festival of new Georgian Art in Moscow);

“TV Programa”, June 2008, “Perezagruzka 3”;

“Arthouse”, June 13th, 2008, “Perezagruzka 3”;

“Культурапортал”, June 18th, 2008, “Perezagruzka 3”;

“Il Gazzettino”, October 5th, 2008, “Arte Laguna”, by Michele Miriade;

“Il Gazzettino”, October 5th, 2008, “Scultura- Arte Laguna”;

“The Messenger”, December 4th, 2008, “Success of a Georgian Artist: A rose does not come without thorns”;

“Agora’ Magazine”, January 10th, 2009, “Riflesso reciproco: le opera di Irina Gabiani”;

“Artes Hoy”, May 6th, 2009, “Human Emotion project”, by Angela Rubio Rojo

“The Georgian Times”, June 15th, 2009, “Life goes on: Stop waiting Georgia”, by Rusudan Gvazava;

“Kartuli Universiteti”, September 17th, 2009, “Rodesats chems tavs vukureb” (Eng.: When I look at myself), by Mzekha Makharadze;

“Georgian Today”, September 18th, 2009, “Human Emotions spilling over Art Villa Garikula”, by Anna Chichinadze;

“City Magazine Luxembourg”, March 2010, “Faces: The news makers, decision takers, scene shakers ...”, “Awareness: Irina Gabiani, visual artist”, by Duncan Roberts;

“Passaparola”, June 2010, “Irina Gabiani: un’artista tra uomo e cosmo” (Eng.: Irina Gabiani: an artist between mankind and cosmos), by Paola Cairo;

“The Hindu”, June 30th, 2010, “Multi media message: The five artists stir a potpourri of emotions”, by
Serish Nanisetti

“Trendzhyderabad”, June 2010, “International Group Exhibition: .... Irina Gabiani”

“Express Buzz”, June 13th, 2010, “Visual Ensemble”, by Palak Dubey;

“24 Saati” (Eng.: 24 hours), daily financial newspaper, July 13th, 2010, “16 Carmeni Fragmentebshi” (Eng.: 16 Fragments of Carmen), by Sopho Kilassonia;

“The Messenger”, September 7th, 2010, “Irina Gabiani: Reflections”, by Messenger Staff;

“24 Saati” (Eng.: 24 hours), daily financial newspaper, September 24th, 2010, “Kalebi kalebze” (Eng.: Women about women), by Ia Vekua;

Passaparola”, February 2011, “Quattro artiste italiane in lizza per rappresentare il Lussemburgo nel progetto Biennale di Venezia nel Mondo”;

“La Voix”, April 13th, 2011, “Un homage à la féminité”, by Séverine  Zimmer;

“Le Jeudi”, April 14th, 2011, “Aspects de la féminitude”, by Aerato;

“Le Jeudi”, June 8th, 2011, “Echo de Venise”;

“The Messenger”, June 10th, 2011,  “Irina Gabiani’s artworks are presented at the 54th Venice Biennale 2011 – Italian Pavilion”;

“Info Italie”, July 2011, “L’arte italiana contemporanea alla Biennale di Venezia ed in Lussemburgo” (Eng.: Italian contemporary art at the Venice Biennale and in Luxembourg), by Isabella Sardo;

“d’ Letzebuerger Land”, June 10th, 2011, “Biennale de Venise - Présence(s) luxembourgeoise(s)”, by Lucien Kayser;

“The Messenger”, September 21st, 2011, “Irina Gabiani: Exhibition at the European Court of Justice for the Venice Biennale”;

“24 Saati” (Eng. 24 Hours), daily financial newspaper, October 1st, 2011, “Tskovebra aris stsena: ratom unda aircio monis roli?” (Eng.: Life is a stage: why should we choose the role of a slave?”), by Mzekha Makharadze;

“Tabula Art”, October 2011, “Iluminations Veneziis Biennale”, by Magda Guruli;

“Blu Iveria”, December 2011, “Ara marto tvalit, aramed gonebit / Not only with the eyes, but through the mind”, by Mzekha Makharadze;

“Gallery +”, “Irina Gabiani”;

“Design City Luxembourg 2012 – Luxembourg Design Biennale”, official magazine, April 2012;

“Tbilisi Culture Guide,” September 2012, Irina Gabiani: Unknown World;

“Akhali Taoba”, 5 September 2012, “Sheutsnobeli samkharo khelovnebis museumshia” (Eng.: Unknown world in the Art Museum), by Eka Iremashvili;

“The Messenger”, September 7th, 2012, “Georgian Video artist’s exhibition well received”, by Etuna Tsotniashvili;

“Golf People Magazine”, September 2012, “Mostre e Arte: Irina Gabiani”, by Redazione;

“Art & Art”, September 2012, “La collezione dell’Associazione Culturale Darko Store”;

“Le Jeudi”, 31 October 2012, “Mouvements”, by Florence Becanne;

“Luxemburger Wort”, 31 October 2012, “Nue propriété”, by Marie-Laure Rolland;

“Tageblatt”, 31 October 2012, “La nudité dans le nu”, by Ian de Toffoli;


“Schuttingtaal”, Amsterdam (Holland), 1996;

“Millenium 2” International Jewellery Exhibition Rotermann’s Art Centre, Tallin (Estonia), 1997;

“Societa’ Promotrice delle Belle Arti”, Torino (Italy), 1999;

“Video Dia-Loghi 2007”, Torino (Italy), 2007;

“Arte tra i piedi”, Milano (Italy), 2008;

“Third International Art Prize Arte Laguna, Collettiva finalisti sezione scultura”, Treviso (Italy), 2008;

“8° Premio Nazionale d’Arte Citta’ di Novara,Collettiva finalisti”, Novara (Italy), 2008;

“Video Dia-Loghi 2008”, Torino (Italy), 2008;

“You can’t change the heartbeat of my country”, Tbilisi (Georgia), 2009;

“Artisterium 09, The manifest of changes and an inner experience”, Tbilisi (Georgia), 2009;

“Sguardi Sonori 2009”, (Italy), 2009;

“Video Dia-Loghi 2009”, Torino (Italy), 2009;

“Visual Ensemble”, Hyderabad (India), 2010;

“Art Beijing 2010, Contemporary Art Fair”, Beijing (China), 2010;

“Nudi su tele”, Torino (Italy), 2010;

“Artisterium 2010, Imagine the future”, Tbilisi (Georgia), 2010;

“Video Dia-Loghi 2010”, Torino (Italy), 2010;

“Fest i Nova – International Festival of Contemporary Art”, Tbilisi (Georgia), 2011;

“Sguardi Sonori 2011 – Infinite Spaces”, (Italy), 2011;    

“Video Dia-Loghi 2011”, Torino (Italy), 2011;

“Padiglione Italia, 54° Biennale di Venezia. Lo Stato dell’Arte – State of the Arts. Istituti Italiani di Cultura nel mondo”, (Italy), 2011;

“Irina Gabiani e Sonia Sion alla Biennale di Venezia”, (Italy – Luxembourg), 2011;

“Thirteen Light Movies … Di luce propria”, Milano (Italy), 2011;

“Sguardi Sonori 2012 – Gino on my mind”,  (Italy), 2012;

“La Collezione dell’Associazione Culturale Darko Store”, Torino (Italy), 2012;

“Video Dia Loghi 2012”, Torino (Italy), 2012;

Television Interviews and reportages:

“Pirveli Archi” Television, September 5th, 2006 interview before the opening of the exhibition “When I look at Myself” and Live Performance of “The Slaves of the System” at the Art Gallery at the G. Leonidze State Museum of Literature, Tbilisi (9:00 A.M. Morning News);

“Mse” Television, September 5th, 2006 interview and reportage on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition

“When I look at Myself” and Live Performance of “The Slaves of the System” at the Art Gallery at the G. Leonidze State Museum of Literature, Tbilisi (8:00 P.M. Evening News);

“Pirveli Archi” Television, September 5th, 2006 reportage on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition “When I look at Myself” and Live Performance of “The Slaves of the System” at the Art Gallery at the G. Leonidze State Museum of Literature, Tbilisi (8:00 P.M. Evening News);

“Pirveli Archi” Television, August 23rd, 2007 exclusive interview with Irina Gabiani and presentation of the performance “Samaia or Triamazikamno” for the program “Moambe”, Tbilisi (8:30 P.M. Evening News);

“Imedi” Television, September 7th, 2007 reportage on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition “Looking at the world vice versa” and Live Performance of “Samaia or Triamazikamno” at the Rustaveli National Georgian Theatre, Tbilisi (9:00 P.M. Evening news);

“Pirveli Archi” Television, September 7th, 2007 reportage on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition

“Looking at the world vice versa” and Live Performance of “Samaia or Triamazikamno” at the Rustaveli National Georgian Theatre, Tbilisi (8:00 P.M. Evening news);

“Mse” Television, September 9th, 2007 reportage on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition “Looking at the world vice versa” and Live Performance of “Samaia or Triamazikamno” at the Rustaveli National Georgian Theatre, for the program “Kultura”, Tbilisi (8:00 P.M.);

“La 7” Television, March 29th, 2008 reportage on “Arte tra i piedi”, Milano (13:45 Afternoon news);

“Imedi” Television, September 3rd and 4th, 2009 reportage on “Hep - Georgia” and “Unknown reality, personal exhibition of Irina Gabiani” at Art Villa Garikula (13:30 afternoon news);

"Pirveli Archi" Television, March 30th, 2010 interview to Mzekha Makharadze on David Djindjikashvili, Irina Gabiani....;

“Pirveli Archi” Television, July 10th, 2010 Reportage on “Carmen, Variations on the Theme of Carmen” (20:00)

“Rustavi 2” Television, July 12th, 2010 Reportage on “Carmen, Variations on the theme of Carmen” (7:30)

“Rustavi 2” Television, September 2nd, 2010 Preview on “Irina Gabiani: Reflections”,  (21:00 Evening News);

“Rustavi 2” Television, September 3rd, 2010 Preview on “Irina Gabiani: Reflections”,  (9:00 Morning News);

“Imedi” Television, September 4th, 2010 Reportage on “Irina Gabiani: Reflections” (9:00 Morning News)

“Imedi” Television September 23rd, 2010 Reportage on “Madame 2” (Evening News)

“Pirveli Archi” Television September 23rd, 2010 Reportage on “Madame 2”

“Real TV”, August 27th, 2012, Reportage on upcoming Irina Gabiani’s exhibition at the Georgian National Museum (Evening News);

“Fortuna” Radio, August 28, 2012, Interview with Irina Gabiani on the upcoming exhibition at the Georgian National Museum;

“Rustavi 2” Television, September 5th, 2012, Reportage on upcoming Irina Gabiani’s exhibition at the Georgian National Museum (Morning News);

“Maestro” Television, September 5th, 2012, Reportage on Irina Gabiani’s exhibition at the Georgian National Museum (Night News);

“Pirveli Archi” Television, September 6th, 2012, Reportage on Irina Gabiani’s exhibition at the Georgian National Museum (Afternoon News);

“Focus TV”, September 6th, 2012, Reportage on Irina Gabiani’s exhibition at the Georgian National Museum (Daily News);

“Imedi” Television, September 6th, 2012, Reportage on Irina Gabiani’s exhibition at the Georgian National Museum (Evening News);